Deportation is NOT the Holocaust
Stop comparing the current deportations of illegal immigrants in the United States to the Holocaust that killed 6 Million innocent Jews.
They are NOT the same. They aren’t even close. Comparing the two is dishonest and it delegitimizes what happened in Nazi Germany. Actually, it is bordering on Antisemitic.
The illegal immigrants that are being deported are, in fact, criminals according to US Code. So, from the outset, they are criminals. Beyond being here illegally, the illegal immigrants (I’m going to keep saying that) being deported are KNOWN criminals and have been charged with or convicted of violent crimes and/or have been participating in illegal activities like drug and human trafficking.
That is where the Department of Justice is starting. Known criminals. And they are rounding them up by the dozens and doing it very quickly.
After they are rounded up, they are held and then put on a plane and sent back to their home country to be dealt with by their own government.
They aren’t being sent to work camps. Or being experimented on. Or tattooed. Or starved. Or put into gas chambers. Or put into ovens. They aren’t being MURDERED.
This isn’t the f*cking Holocaust. It isn’t.
In fact, the only two things illegal immigrants have in common with the Jews is they are being rounded up by a government agency and (in some cases) families are being separated. That’s it. That’s where the similarities end.
Yes, I may sound like a heartless bastard. But you know what? We separate criminals from their families ALL THE TIME. That’s what prison does. And these are criminals so that’s what happens.
Listen, if you don’t like the current immigration policy, we have a process for that. It happened in November and now the results of that process are doing what the citizenry of the United States asked it to do.
People are sick and tired of our sovereignty as a nation being ignored. They are tired of our laws being laughed at. They are financially exhausted from supporting people who broke the law by the hundreds of thousands. They are tired of watching on the news when illegal immigrants commit heinous acts of violence against women and children. They are tired of stories of human, child, and drug trafficking into our cities.
They voted to end those things. They voted to protect their families. They voted to protect their country’s sovereignty. They voted to BE UNBURDENED BY WHAT ONCE WAS. They voted and this is what they voted for. And it’s happening. And it is going to keep happening.
By the way, did you ever stop to think HOW the Department of Justice is suddenly rounding up thousands of illegal immigrants to be deported? And how the first wave are all violent criminals? They have been able to act so quickly and target so accurately because the previous administration KNEW where these violent criminals were, and law enforcement agencies were told NOT act. They were told to “stand down” and leave the illegal immigrants alone.
Shameful. Embarrassing.
Again, we have a political process if you are opposed to mass deportations. Vote in two years. Hell, if you are REALLY bothered by it, RUN FOR OFFICE and make the change yourself.
But no matter what, stop comparing the two.
Deportation is NOT the Holocaust.