Opening the Door for Socialism

One of the campaign promises from Vice President Harris is to “control prices” and “control corporate profits” in grocery stores. This is the most un-American thing from a Democrat NOT in “The Squad” in a very long time.

Beyond the fact it is anti-Capitalist, it is also going to cause significant food deserts in the most urban and the most rural areas in America. And that just ain’t American.

Food deserts, in the simplest terms, are where the average person doesn’t have easy access to healthy food. This is normally associated with areas where there are no grocery stores or local food markets with fresh food and where the only options are fast-food or convenience stores that offer mostly snacks and sodas. This leads to the only options being generally unhealthy and expensive…. they are shitty options.

While VP Harris is touting this as her fighting for the common man, she is really about to make life much more difficult for them. Her policy of controlling prices and controlling profit are going to cause MORE food deserts. I’m not an economist, but it’s not tough to figure this out.

There are plenty of examples all along the Pacific coast of businesses closing in urban areas, mostly due to excessive crime. There are plenty of grocery and drug stores that have shuttered, along with more than a few restaurants, not because they are afraid of the violence but because they are LOSING MONEY. The last Denny’s in San Francisco closed because too many people were ditching the check for crying out loud. This is about lost revenue and NOT crime. Did I mention the OUTRAGEOUS minimum wage standard in California already causing businesses to close? Yeah, that’s happening too. Keep that in mind.

The policy VP Harris is saying she will enact “on day one” will cause every single major metropolitan area to lose the grocery stores they have. Why? Because they won’t make enough money to pay high minimum wage, they won’t make enough money to pay high property taxes, and they won’t make enough money to keep their lights on. By the way, lower prices won’t deter theft either.

In the most rural areas, the problems are a little different, but the result is the same. While theft is less of an issue, the most remote stores have smaller customer bases and cannot buy in bulk to receive discounts. They also pay much higher delivery costs because of where they are. Higher operating costs on different lines, but the profit requirement is the same. When they get capped on prices, they will lose profit. When these stores LOSE profit, they WILL close, and that will create food deserts.

So, what is the solution to the problem being CREATED by the Democrats? Socialism!! They are already proposing GOVERNMENT owned grocery stores!! Chicago and the State of Illinois have been talking about this for most of a year, but now they have the mechanism to FORCE it to happen.

  1. Cap grocery store prices to appeal to the working man!!

  2. Drive individual stores and large chains out of major metro areas due to lack of profit.

  3. Create food deserts.

  4. Install STATE OWNED and STATE CONTROLLED grocery stores.

  5. Continue to make the poorest Americans dependent on the government.

  6. Socialism!!

I’m old enough to remember pics of bread lines in the old Soviet Union. That’s what this is going to look like. If you can’t remember that, check out Venezuela. They are going through this Socialist disaster right now. Price controls DO NOT WORK except to further government control. Period.

If you support VP Harris and her policies, if you vote for VP Harris and her policies, you may not be the one standing in a bread line, but your fellow Americans will be. If you are ok with that, you probably need to reexamine your principals because you are Opening the Door for Socialism.


The Insider Who Became the Outsider


Coup d’Etat