The Insider Who Became the Outsider

At six years old, Robert F. Kennedy Jr was introduced to politics in the United States when his uncle John was elected to be the President. John was supposed to be a cog in a very elaborate and longstanding political machine engineered by his father, Joe Kennedy Sr.

In the most perfect world, Joe Kennedy wanted his four sons to each have two terms as President. Joe Jr, Jack, Bobby, and Ted. Yes, even poor drunk Teddy was supposed to get a turn. Thirty-two years, consecutively, of Kennedy Presidents. Then, a second generation including John Jr and Robert Jr. That was the plan. That’s the underlying part of “American Royalty” most people don’t know or have forgotten about.

There were hiccups. Joe died while serving in WWII. John was elected President but was killed by “unknown” actors (cough, CIA, cough). Bobby was the attorney general and then ran for President but was also assassinated before he was elected (cough, CIA, cough). Teddy was an alcoholic, and although he was a Senator for decades, his political career was derailed when his car went into a river and a young woman died. No need for a literal assassination of Teddy, he handled his political assassination on his own (or maybe cough, CIA, cough). Regardless, the Kennedy family is steeped in United States politics and, specifically, the Democratic Party.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr IS the establishment. He embodies it. He has been immersed in it his entire life. His dad, uncles, cousins are or were politicians. For the longest time, the name Kennedy brough political gravitas that was unmatched. They were powerful, they were influential, they were connected, and they were smart. They were also a threat to many other powerful people, which may or may not be why a string of unfortunate events occurred to derail the entire family (cough, CIA, cough).

Now, you have RFK Jr who ran for President and was shunned by the party his family had been immersed in for 75 years. He wasn’t allowed to run against the sitting President in the primaries, so he ran as an independent. He wasn’t given Secret Service protection by the government, even as a viable candidate. The media who is ultra friendly with the Democratic Party, refused to interview him or give him any press coverage. Sounds a lot like a political assassination to me.

This past week, RFK Jr suspended his campaign to be elected as the President. If you haven’t seen the speech he gave, you should watch it. Every single American should watch that speech. RFK Jr, very clearly pointed out everything that is going on in our government and in his former party, the party his family BUILT, the Democratic Party. He is ashamed for what it has become. He is ashamed on behalf of his uncles and what their hard work and dedication has evolved into. He could no longer hold his tongue and felt the need to expose the disgusting mess the party he grew up in has made of this country.

Some of you may think his speech was some sort of “sour grapes” as if he was lashing out like a child who lost a game they felt they should have won. I honestly believe his speech was so far from that. RFK Jr is a patriot and believes everything he is doing and everything his family has done for this nation is actually FOR THIS NATION. Not for himself. That is one trait I believe he got from his father, more so than any of his uncles. RFK Jr believes in this country, what it stands for, and the responsibility it has for the rest of the world.

What does it say about a political party that tears down one of its most powerful, knowledgeable, and influential members? It says they don’t care about people, they only care about power, and he was a threat to them, so they cut him away. Just like his uncles. Just like his dad. So, what does a man like that do?

He endorses the ONE candidate that can stand against the establishment. President Trump. I will continue to say I am not the greatest fan of President Trump because I think his personal conduct is below what we expect of the office of President of the United States. But, he CAN and DOES weather the storm against the power brokers in the Beltway, and that I can respect. Evidently, so does Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the Insider Who Became the Outsider.

Maybe you should listen to him.


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